Friday, May 1, 2009

What's Next For Chayanne

That's what everyone is wondering, will it be a new CD, more acting, what!
To give all of the very newcomers some history, Chayanne has done quite a
bit of acting actually. He has done several tele-novellas,
which are like mini-series, Volver Empezar, Provocame, and
recently the hit series Gabriel, which aired on MEGA TV. He also
has on his resume an episode of Ally McBeal...if you get the chance to see the episode you stuff! The best of all of his acting roles in my opinion
would have to be in the film "Dance With Me", where
he co-starred along with Vanessa Williams, who is now on "Ugly Betty".

After the success of Gabriel, many of us fans wondered what
types of acting roles, if any, Chayanne might pursue. I heard
everything from comedy, to of course a romantic leading man....
which yes he would be GREAT at! Personally, I think that he
would be better served to do a crime drama series, like CSI Miami.
If you have seen any of Chayanne's prior work, you will be able to see
the evolution that he has made as an actor, he has truly grown, and
should be considering, inmy opinion a venue like CSI Miami.
He would be awesome as the suave crime scene investigator.

Any way what ever Chayanne does choose as his next project,
this you can be sure of, we will be there with baited breath, waiting.

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