Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Exercise In Patience

We the people of “Chayville”, that’s what I like to call the Chayanne fan community, are making due. While we realize that both Chayanne and his family deserve a break from all of his recent activity, we are patiently waiting with baited breath for the next Chayanne project. He left us breathless with his outstanding performance in “Gabriel”, the hottest vampire series that I have ever seen, and I have seen a few! But we have caught our second wind and we are ready for more.

We all want to see him charging over the horizon on his shiny black stallion with a new CD in his hand. (Yes I said a black stallion, I know, white ones are supposed to be for the good guys… but I think he would look sexier on a black one, what can I say). I have heard in the wind that usually after he cuts a new CD, a concert tour soon follows. This would be perfect for me because as much as I love Chayanne, I have never had the pleasure of attending one of his concerts. I have had the pleasure of seeing one of his concerts on his latest DVD “Vivo”, which by the way can be purchased on Amazon.com.

I have sought the wisdom of several of my “Chayville” companions, you know who you are, who have had the pleasure of being fans for many years about what to do when things are really slow. One piece of advice was, “Well, you can always schedule that long over due mammogram.”

Recently, however, Chayanne has been giving his fans beautiful little things to tide us over. He has uploaded most of his hit videos, if not all of them, along with video clips of live performances on his MySpace and You Tube channels. Chayanne is also blowing up iTunes, and now he is on People Espanol’s “50 Most Beautiful People” list….as well he should be. You can’t get any finer than Chay.

Well, I leave with a shout out to all of my people on Chayanne’s official web site, CDN, Casa Chayanne, and of course La Isla .

And now, I have a mammogram I need to schedule ~

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