Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!...and I don't even like baseball!

So what’s new on the Chayanne scene, not much right now?
Our favorite Latin entertainer is laying low. But there were a few really cute pictures floating around on CDN today.

How cute is he! I really don’t like baseball….I know… “All American Past Time”…I know, but sure would have liked to have been at that game!

Due to the Chayanne draught that’s going on right now, there are a lot of interesting factoids, pictures, and many of the “when I met Chayanne” stories circulating the internet, you just have to know where to look! You can log on to Chayanne’s Official web site, Casa Chayanne, Chayanne’s Univision Forum (English), or if you want to see some great videos you can check out Chayanne Rocks, you won’t find a Chayanne library this extensive anywhere on the internet!

Well, enough of my rambling for today, I just have one last question. If Chayanne is going to play baseball, why won’t he wear those cute tight pants? Ah well…..

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