Monday, May 18, 2009

Chayanne, A Man Who Values Family

Chayanne was scheduled as one of the hosts of the annual gala of the Museum of Art of Puerto Rico, which was held on May 15, 2009.

The news is that our dear Chayanne had to call and withdraw his participation in the prestigious event due to a conflict with an activity that his son was involved in…..daddy wanted to be there for his son….but you know what, that’s alright by me, and by many of his fans. Part of the Chayanne appeal is that he seems to be a person of character, values, and priorities that he works very hard to keep in perspective.

I know how I struggle as a parent with children; going to a job everyday that sometimes requires you to miss something that your children are involved in, dance recitals, sports, etc. I can’t even imagine having a job where you could possibly be away from your family for months on end.

“Vega explained, besides, that Chayanne is found working "without a break, but without hurrying" in the selection of songs for his next disk, that he will begin to record at the end of this year.
"It is healthy at this time for him to take things quietly and to begin with a new initiative. This year he is going to be very dedicated to his family, to attend the activities of his children -Isadora practices ballet and flamenco-, and occasionally to play golf. Chayanne has a lot proposals for presentations, but for a while he is going to be a little tranquil, out of the public eye". You can see the original post on CDN “CHAYANNE NO ASISTIO A LA GALA...LA FAMILIA ESTA PRIMERO!!!!” it was posted by Marazulquieto

As one fan puts it, “We are sad that we have to wait longer for Chayanne to come out with is next project, but we would be disappointed if were any other kind of man”

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