Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chayanne Does Twitter!

I have done MySpace, FaceBook, when Twitter came along, I thought enough is enough! I can't do anything else! With all of the networking and social sites that I access my Blackberry is buzzing almost 24 hrs a day!

Then yesterday as I was browsing through, as I do almost everyday....several times a day....we'll save that for another story...anyway, I come across a post that says Chayanne is on Twitter! So you can understand my delima....."To Twitter, or not to Twitter, that is the question." I'm a Chayanne fan, so of course I'm going to choose Twitter!

I have to add this one thing before I end this entry, I would like to think the Chayanne himself is doing the "Twittering". We all know that he has a wonderful staff and PR team that works for him, and from time to time they maybe the ones that attend to his MySpace page and Face book profile, maybe, who knows. But I would really like, no, I really hope that he is doing his Twitter. It makes fans feel good to think that you would share your day with them, even if just a little.~

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