Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Video Chat with Chayanne – All That + A Cherry On Top!

I never say no”

And this statement from Chayanne gave way into the video chat brought to you exclusively by El Nuevo Dia, where Chayanne answered the questions on his fan’s minds.

Many questions were asked in the hour long video chat many of which we’ve heard before.  The hot political question of the day was if he would campaign for his brother's (Emanoel Figueroa) candidacy for Mayor of San Lorenzo and if he would think this would hinder his career?  The answer was yes, he would campaign and no, this would not hinder either of their careers... and of course this should come as no surprise.  Chayanne is one of the most family-oriented artists out there and it is only fitting that he would support his brother in his aspirations. 

For all of you my dear Spanish-language challenged friends, I have listened to the interview and extracted what I believe to be the essence of it all.  The excerpt below does not include the many questions we’ve heard over and over again (such as, what perfume do you use and all its variations).  All in all this was quite a charming and cozy interview.  Just what I needed on this freezing cold night in New York City after a long day of work.  Enjoy!

Q. When will we see you again with a beard? 
I LOVED this question… one thing about Bariloche is… Bariloche loves her man with beards lol.  Though he stated he is not planning to change his current look, in all honesty… he is still the best looking man on the planet, beard or not.

Q. What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve had onstage?
A. A disappearing act I did once.  The stage gave way and I fell completely forward speakers and all. 

[I cannot imagine that the women standing in front of that stage so much as moved an inch seeing him fall towards them. LOL!]

Q. What would you do if your wife asks you to stop being Chayanne the artist and just be you?
A. She would have to speak to my mother who named me… and would have a big problem! (laughs).  They call me Chan, Chay.  Chayanne.  I’ve always said that Chayanne is not an artistic name.  It’s what they call me.  But in the case that my family would need me to stop being an artist, I would stop doing all this.  If it’s for a legit reason, not for a whim, yes.  I don’t tend to do a lot of things on a whim.  But you know, when there are things like illnesses and someone needs you, then at that time I would stop.  I have a lot of love for the people.

"This has been my life, not just touring.  You meet people and they treat me like family.  It’s a very beautiful thing and something incredible"

Q. What do you fear?
A. Al cuco!
Something I fear… what we just spoke about… when you get difficult illnesses in the family.  These difficult illness that require a lot of strength.  And I’ve been in situations that are examples of that.  Life happens to everybody.  But you have to have that positive mind that nothing is impossible whether it’s at work or in personal situations. 
[I love his answer! El Cuco!  For those of you who are not familiar with the term, “el cuco” is basically that unknown "boogie monster" our Hispanic parents get us to believe in, so that we are well behaved children.  As soon as you do something naughty, you hear them say “just you wait til night time when “el cuco” is going to come get you".  Oh he brought back some sweet childhood memories of mine! J ]

“I give myself completely in everything I do”

Q. Why did you get married so young?
A.  Life.  Life takes you to make decisions that are thought of, not just spontaneous.  And that’s how it all happens.  You can’t have an alternate life where you can live and then go back to make decisions. We only have one life and I am very happy with mine. 

Q. What’s your weakness?
A.  I’m very protective of everyone I love.  I’m very defensive if needed, using words of course.

Q. What will you do when you can no longer move so deliciously on stage?
A.  I don’t know.  I will always move with passion and heart.  Now.. I might move a little slower, that’s another thing (laughs).

Q. Do you fear old age?
A.  No, I want to live through all stages of life.  With dignity.  I’m sure there will be difficult moments, but no, I don’t fear it.

Q.  Are you bringing a lot of dancers to Puerto Rico?
A.  To Puerto Rico I am bringing my current group.  I’m adding a few more dancers.  And other little surprises that we have with the choreography.  Musically, I’m looking into other songs, new arrangements…

Q. What do you like most about yourself?
A.  I like that I always try to find harmony and be at peace.

Q. Do you regret anything?
A.  I’ve had difficult moments I’ve learned from but generally I am very happy with everything life has given me.

“Que Rico!!!!”

And there you have it friends.  More reasons to love this man.  As if any more were needed. 

Chayanne will be in Guadalajara, Mexico this weekend at the Omni Life Stadium and then its home.  I know Puerto Rico is bursting with excitement as the day approaches to see their island’s pride and joy perform for the first time at the Coliseo in Hato Rey.  I mean… I can hear my bff Marbella scream “Chayanne!” all the way from Puerto Rico here in NYC ever so often throughout the day. Hehehe 

Hugs & Kisses

Watch live streaming video from envivoelnuevodiacom at


  1. Thanks for the translation. Of course there is no substitute for hearing the words coming out of his mouth. For that, thank you for including the video here.
