Thursday, March 18, 2010

TMZ Thinks Chayanne Got Lost!

I agree with the person who left the comment that  TMZ should really do their homework before the do a piece like this one!

Usually when you see these "Where Are They Now" types of things, they show celebs that have faded out of the spotlight....but Chayanne never when anywhere! He's one of the hottest Latin Megastars of our time!

Sorry just lost some cool points......but we like looking at Chayanne so, your little faux pas is forgiven!


  1. I read all the comments underneath the article at TMZ, but I really don't believe that was enough or that they ever bother reading those comments. I would, however, like to contact them via an email and really let them know what I/we think!!!!!


  2. I'm totally down! I think that would be a great idea! Besitos mi hermana!

  3. I've sent out my statement to TMZ for better or for worse!!!

