Monday, February 20, 2012

A Solas Con Chayanne - The Interview (Translated)

As the days grew closer and closer to the release of A Solas Con Chayanne, so did the anticipation and excitement that comes with enjoying one of his shows live.  And my friends, A Solas Con Chayanne does not disappoint.

You all know I devote a lot of time, love and care to see Chayanne at least once or twice while he is on tour (or 6... AHEM! But who is counting..?!).  And I do it because there is no greater feeling than that emotion you get right before the show starts.  When you are sitting in the first rows and you are frantically re-touching your makeup and making sure your hair is perfect... just in case he happens to look at you... And then there's that moment you forget your composure and start screaming like a crazy person (not caring what you may look like as you do so) simply because he is just there:  In front of you... looking at you with those heavenly eyes... singing to you... dancing with you.  [[Sighh!]] Oh what a feeling it is!  A Solas Con Chayanne gave us exactly what it promised; alone time with our idol and more!.

Watching the DVD however, I do have one regret:  Not flying down to Mexico to catch this show.  Did he really sing Completamente Enamorados?  Yes, yes he did and I almost fainted.  Completamente Enamorados was the first song I ever heard of Chayanne when I was 9 years old.  It holds a special place in my heart.

Be warned:  Watching A Solas Con Chayanne causes a sudden surge of ChayFever... Have your Chay-ibuprophen (or husband) handy!  LOL.

Without further ado, here is the translation to the 20 minute interview shown at the end of the show.  It breathes the pure essence that makes us love Chayanne more and more each day.  Enjoy!



  1. thanks so much for the translation. its such a pleasure to just watch him but always a treat to know what he is saying. i really appreciate the work you girls put into keeping us up to date on this wonderful man.

  2. I have to agree with you long island lady, I could watch Chayanne and listen to him all day, but it's such a great joy to know exactly what he's saying. It's always our pleasure to bring as much Chayanne as we can to his fans. Thank you for all your support. *HUGS*

  3. Thank you for your kind words! And your support! <3

  4. I have fallen completely in love with this beautiful man, his music and his heart. You have made that possible. Thanks for this blog. You're a true blessing.
