Monday, February 7, 2011

Chayanne Breaks It Down For Flashazo VIP!

Hey my people from Flashazo VIP, we have Chayanne with us straight from Miami. Chayanne, welcome to the Flashazo VIP cameras!

Chayanne:  “Thank you very much, a big hug and kiss to all of you and everyone watching right now.  I am very happy because we will be together very soon!”

Yes, definitely for you there are no impossibles, you have been in 6 auditoriums in Mexico, going to Guadalajara this weekend, 3 performances at the coliseum on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of February.  After so many years of your musical career, what does Chayanne do to reinvent himself and to stay at the top and be popular with his fans?

Chayanne:  “Well, I really don’t know what I do, but I do give a lot of love.  I am always aware of everything around me like when we prepare for the show, all the little details while making the album.  I do have a great team of people around me that help me very much.  But I do everything with love, and when you give love, you get love in return.”

How do you prepare yourself physically to prevent something like what happened in Argentina in which your body didn’t cooperate with you?

Chayanne: “These things happen, this is how you see that we are all human and we have to take care of ourselves.  Sometimes we think we are made of stone and we just keep pushing and pushing.  What I do is eat well and rest whenever I have the opportunity.”

We see that you are very family oriented, what advice have you given your brother who is running for mayor of your loved town of San Lorenzo?

Chayanne:  “As far as advice I tell him to always speak the truth which is very important in any project that you have, and I also give him brotherly love.”

So, will we see your brother dancing to “Salome” as his campaign song, or will you have a new song for him?

Chayanne:  “I don’t know, we haven’t considered any of this, but you know I will do anything for my brother.”

We have some quick questions for you:
1.       What’s the biggest lie ever told about Chayanne?  That I was in a drug rehab somewhere – a huge lie! (laughs).
2.       During the day or at night time? (laughing) You got me thinking…no both times are great!
3.       Rice with beans or mogongo with fried meat?  Well, rice with beans but with a steak with onions on top, but I also like mofongo.
4.       What is your biggest virtue?  I am very positive.
5.       What is your biggest defect?  I think we sometimes hurt the people we love, that is one of my defects but I try to control it.

Well, congratulations on your career and we wish you a lot of success, we love you very much and you know we support your career here in Flashazo VIP.

Chayanne:  “The feeling is mutual, thank you very much, greetings to everyone in Flashazo.

This was an adorable interview that was translated for you by Candela!
Check out the video interview in it's entirety by visiting Flashazo!

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