Friday, February 19, 2010

The Twibe Falls Silent - Chayanne At The Premio Lo Nuestro Awards

What can you say....last night the Twibe was a flurry of mad excitement waiting for Chayanne to step out onto the red carpet.....Tweets were flying from Twibe memebers from all over the globe! I'll admit it, I think everyone's life was revolving around getting in front of the television at 7:00 pm SHARP! to make sure that they didn't miss not one single, solitary moment of Chayanne!

Chayanne opened the show with a bang! (I did get to see this part) He's a tough act to follow...

I didn't get to see his acceptance speech for his "Excellence Award", until this morning.....and I have to tell you, for Chayanne to be the Mega Star that he truly is.....he is so genuinely humble. This is where I want to take the time to thank all of the Twibe that pitched in to make sure that those who were not able to see it in real time.

I'm so happy for Chayanne...I know that he has many more years of wonder ahead....he just keeps getting better with time.....


"Cuando uno recibe un premio de esta categoría uno mira hacia atrás y se da cuenta las cosas que has hecho en la vida. Pasa el tiempo y grabas 22 discos y te das cuenta de que no lo has hecho solo", dijo Chayanne agradeciéndole a su familia, equipo de trabajo y disquera. "Y sobre todo a las que me tienen aquí esta noche: esto es por ustedes, mis fans", añadió antes de cantar su éxito "Me enamoré de ti".

"When one receives an award for this category you look back and realize the things you've done in life. Time passes and you recorded 22 albums and you realize that you have not done this alone," said thanking Chayanne his family, team and label. "And above all what I have here tonight: this is for you, my fans," he said before singing his hit "Me enamoré de ti".

Thanks Ethelita for the translation of the speech! "Besitos"


  1. Love it! He deserves all the awards!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Rosa! Chayanne does deserve it...I wish I could have been there!
