Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Makes Chayanne So Sexy?

Just what is it that makes Chayanne so sexy? The other day a frequent visitor to Pandora' Caja sent me an email, and she asked, "What is it about this man that makes him so sexy?" She thinks it's his sincerity, she said, "It shines right through his music."

I really had to think about this, so I decided to ask the members of the "Twibe" (Chay's Twitter Peeps) what they thought. Here's what I got so far...

"His eyes....

"With his eyes he can talk without words. His eyes can be so tender and full of fire."

"He's perfect."

"He's naughty, sweet and talented. He treats everyone with respect, honors his gifts and loves us"

 I don't know peeps...if we wanted to go with looks alone, you could fill a blog! He's 6 foot plus of dark and handsome....and he's got a brick house body! Not only is he the walking definition of "Tall, Dark and Handsome", he knows how to as I like to say, "Shake what'cha momma gave ya!" (Shout out to my girl!)
To put that into layman's  terms, the man can dance his butt off! (Although we would rather him keep it firmly attached *GRIN*)

And his voice....Ahhh what can I say, Chayanne's voice is so smooth...it floats you off into some sort of music induced euphoria that you hope never ends...

One of his best qualities to me is his love of people, and his willingness to use his mega-star status to help those in need....and that's so real to me.....

As for me, I think Chayanne's sexy is a combination of so many things....I think that through his music, he has the ability to be just what you need at any moment in time...

If you need a should to cry on, a warm embrace, a smile...or of you just want to dance 'till you drop...you can find it in one of his songs.
(There's also a lot of other thing you can find in those songs, but this is a family friendly forum so we won't go there!)

Ok! Ok! So I went there....I couldn't help myself!

So with the release of Chayanne's new CD, "No Hay Imposible", due out in February, I know I can't wait to see what new adventures Chayanne is getting ready to take us on. I may not know where we're going, but I trust him to take me to places that I have never been...

So I guess in Chayanne's case there will never be just one perfect answer, they're all perfect....so you tell me, what makes Chayanne sexy, to you?...



  1. Thanks Sweetheart, that actually helped brighten up my day... or should I say "sexy'ed up my day"? *KISS*

  2. Anytime my sister, that's what a good dose of Chayanne Sexy will do for you! *HUG*

  3. And there it is..."just what you need at any moment in time". Thanks for this sexy Chayanne blog!

  4. Thank you for asking the question! We aim to please...most times the answers are in the box
