Friday, October 30, 2009

Peek-a-Boo, I See You!

That was the response to the photo that Chayanne shared with fans late today. Chayanne tweeted to the "Twibe" (fans that follow Chayanne on Twitter), that he has been in a photo shoot for the past two days. Yes my people, he's taking photos for his upcoming CD!

As you can imagine, after he tweeted that he was in a photo shoot, the Twibe tweeted so much requesting that he send a pic, that I really wonder how his cell phone didn't experience a case of spontaneous combustion! Although I'm really glad that it didn't, then he wouldn't be able to tweet. None the less, Twitter blew up with all kinds of requests for just a peek!

As Chay said so sweetly under the pic, "No se decirles q no, aca tienen una pequeña muestra del dia de hoy. I can't say no, here is a bit of today". Lucky for us that he didn't say no, how could he, after all we are as he calls us, "His Loves". This coming from the brotha' who's smile could launch 10,000 ships!

P.S. -Thank you Rosa for the headline, it was the best way to sum up this too cute pic!


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