Friday, September 18, 2009

"Is It Enough To Say Thank You?"

That's question that Chayanne asks in the PSA announcement that he filmed in support of World Charity Day.

Yesterday on Twitter Chayanne Tweeted Sorpresaaaaaaaaaaaaa corran a ver mi myspace.... So of course we feverishly searched the site looking for the surprise! I have to admit that I missed it the first time, but thanks to a few of the Twitterers I was able to find the link.

Chayanne was really sweet though, he realized that some of his fans had didn't have access the the clip on his MSP, so he very kindly posted the link to the video on YouTube. This is just another way to see how Chayanne gives back, his many humanitarian endeavours speak for themselves.

And as for the way that he treats is fans, he just has this way of making you feel really special, you couldn't ask for any better than that~ Thanks Chay


  1. Nice job honey! I did try to find the auction yesterday but was not able to spend the time to figure it out. I trust that it did sell for a good price and I know that energy that went into the gesture enriched the world as so many of Chay's actions do.

  2. I know you did try and find it, it would have been great not only to try and win the mask, but to be able to contribute to a great organizan like "Make-a -Wish". Don't worry, there will be another auction, maybe it will be to win a date with Chay! Peace`
