Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chayanne ~ Mi Tiempo

Chayanne's 2007 CD release "Mi Tiempo", is the first CD of Chayanne's that I ever purchased. You know how you might listen to one or two songs from an artist that you like, then you dash out and buy the CD just to be disappointed in the rest of the the tracks, Mi Tiempo was nothing like that After listening to the entire CD....many times, I realized that Chayanne was going to be a permanent part of my life.

I would have to say that my favorite tracks are of course Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo, with Sin Palabras de Relleno running a very close second. If you're already a Chayanne fan, I know you have this CD already, but if you're a new Chayanne fan, and you came in on the CD release VIVO, then you need to add this to your collection!


Mi Tiempo Track Listing

Track# Title time

1 Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo 3:19

2 Lola 4:15

3 Cuestión de Feeling 4:14

4 Tengo Miedo 4:06

5 Indispensable 4:03

6 Bailarina 4:23

7 Te Amré 3:55

8 Sin Palabras de Relleno 3:36

9 Me Voy a Rio 3:51

10 Loco por Vos 3:18

11 Juicio Final

The track listing can be found on Artist Direct

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