Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rain On My Window, A Cup Of Coffee In My Hand, and Chayanne On My iPod

It's been raining and cold here for three days. The sun tried to peek out for a little while, but it wasn't quite strong enough to break through the clouds...for me there's only two things to make the gloomy doldrums retreat. A fresh cup of brewed coffee, and the sweet voice of Chayanne whispering in my ears.

Anyone who knows me knows that "Te Echo de Menos" is my cure all song for the soul, but there are a few others on my rainy day play list. "Volver a Nacer", "Candela", "Y Tu Te Vas".

Thank you Chayanne for giving the world music that can move the rain clouds away and let the sun that shines in my heart and soul break through the clouds that cover my eyes....Peace

Cuidarte El Alma

"Solo si pudiera estar contigo
Tu dormida entre mis brazos
Y mirarte en el silencio
Solo si pudiera dibujarte
Una escena de mis sueños
Donde siempre estas presente

Con solo tenerte aquí
Decirte lo que yo siento
Es que me gusta tu cara, me gusta tu pelo
Soñar con tu voz cuando dices te quiero
Me gusta abrazarte, perderme en tu aroma
Poder encontrar en tus ojos el cielo

Me gusta tu risa, me gusta tu boca
Me gusta creer que por mi tu estas loca
Como quiero que sientas conmigo la calma
Y cuando llegue la noche
Cuidarte el alma

Como despertar en la distancia
Sin tu piel junto a la mía
Amando tu fotografía
Podemos mandar besos con el viento
Mirar la luna al mismo tiempo
Y contar un día más

Con solo tenerte aquí
No sabes lo que me faltas
Es que me gusta tu cara, me gusta tu pelo
Soñar con tu voz cuando dices te quiero
Me gusta abrazarte, perderme en tu aroma
Poder encontrar en tus ojos el cielo
Me gusta tu risa, me gusta tu boca
Me gusta creer que por mi tu estas loca
Como quiero que sientas conmigo la calma
Y cuando llegue la noche
Cuidarte el alma

Y a pensa de todo y sin darnos cuenta
Estaré en tu puerta diciendote otra vez

Es que me gusta tu cara, me gusta tu pelo
Soñar con tu voz cuando dices te quiero
Me gusta abrazarte, perderme en tu aroma
Poder encontrar en tus ojos el cielo

Me gusta tu risa, me gusta tu boca
Me gusta creer que por mi tu estas loca
Como quiero que sientas conmigo la calma
Y cuando llegue la noche
Cuidarte el alma"

Chayanne on Sessions at AOL

Taking Care of the Soul
English Translation

If only I could be with you
You sleeping among my arms
And to look at you in the silence
If only you could draw a scene of my dreams
Where always these present with alone to have you here
To tell you what I sit down is that I like your face
I like your hair

To dream of your voice when you say I love you
I like to hug you, to get lost in your aroma
To be able to find the sky in your eyes
I like your laugh, I like your mouth
I like to believe that for me you're this madwoman
As I want you to sit down with me the calm
And when it arrives the night
To take care the soul
As waking up in the distance
Without your skin next to mine
Loving your picture
We can send kisses with the wind,
To look at the moon at the same time
And to count more one day
With alone to have you here
You don't know what I lack
It is that I like your face, I like your hair

To dream of your voice when you say I love you
I like to hug you, to get lost in your aroma
To be able to find in your eyes the sky
I like your laugh, I like your mouth
I like to believe that for me you're this madwoman
As I want you to sit down with me the calm
And when it arrives the night
To take care the soul
And to think of everything and without realizing
I will be in your door telling you another time

Original lyrics and English Tranlsation can be found on Casa Chayanne~

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