Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chayanne - That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It!

With the second leg of the tour quickly approaching I have been thinking of all the previous Chayanne concerts I’ve gone to.  I’ve done the math and guess what… I have attended more concerts out of my own city than in it. Yes. I am guilty.  I am a serial traveler with a taste for good concerts.  Is it my fault if the concert always happens to be Chayanne’s? (hehehe).  In short here is my Chayanne traveling adventures:
5/3/2007 --- Madison Square Garden show.  My first Chayanne concert ever (First one I could afford now that I had graduated college!)
5/4/2007 ---- Of course one show wasn’t enough.  To MSG I went again.  This doesn’t count as traveling though, as NYC is my home town.
6/23/08 ---- Fly to Toronto, ON in Canada.  My first time out of the USA on my own.  First time I met Chayanne.  The trip was more than worth it in my book.
I went through a bit of Chayanne withdrawal at this time since the tour was taken to Spain for the summer and Argentina for the fall.
12/15/2007 ---- I gave in to my craving and indulged in Chayanne again, this time in my native country Dominican Republic.
3/4/08 ---- I promised myself to make it to the last concert of the tour and I did.  I flew all the way to Panama.  My first time in Central America.  Totally worth it!

Saddened over the end of the tour, I was very excited to see Mega radio station in Miami opened a contest for the Mega Lola, whom when selected got a meet and greet with Chayanne.  Of course, I entered the contest and upon learning I was a finalist I did not think twice to fly to Miami in May of 2008 for this event.  I didn’t win.  But I wasn’t disappointed.  :- )

Two years later, FINALLY!  Chayanne tours again.  I decided this time go to the first show of the tour but could not.  It was in LA on a week I could not take vacation from work, so I settled for the 3rd and 4th shows in Cabazon, CA and San Diego, CA.  So needless to say… To the other side of the country I went (My first time again) in May of this year.   June came and it was finally time for New York City to indulge in Chayanne again (of course I was in attendance with the awesome Pandora) and finally I went to the last show of the USA 1st leg tour in Boston, MA.

If you did the math that's:

9 concerts outside of NYC most of which I had to fly.
3 concerts in NYC
Now that the second leg of the tour is approaching I will most likely attend Atlantic City and Mohegan Sun at the end of this month.  But after ranting for this long, you must be asking yourself… WHY??? 
See I am very well aware that most would classify my traveling adventures into one of these categories
1.       A groupie
2.      A psychotic obsessed fan

My own friends, whether jokingly or lovingly tell me constantly that I am ‘obsessed’ with Chayanne and to be honest I completely disagree.  I have been on the fan scene for a very long time now, and I have met the crazies.  And I don’t just mean mildly crazy.  I mean full blown psychotic and delusional people.  I am just someone who deeply admires him.  The way I see it is, if I now have the means to indulge in something I was not able to before, why not?  Especially when I spend more than 10  hours a day working.  I have done my time people.  For the last 25 years, my life revolved around going to school, working, paying my bills and going back to school for a masters (which I proudly earned in May 2010), so why can’t I set out to do what I enjoy most?  Traveling and seeing Chayanne in concert.

I consider myself to be a loving fan.  I am someone fortunate enough to have the means to travel and support his career this way.  It is hurtful for people to label me as obsessed.  I think that they simply do not understand.  If you have never felt passion in life then you cannot understand me.  Music (not just Chayanne) is MY passion.  It’s my drive while I am at work to keep sane and to keep from screaming out in agony from all the stress… it is my sedative when I get home and I just need to chill out.  It is my hype when I want to get up and dance and have a great time… It is my trigger on days when I just need to sit and cry for whatever reason it may be…. Music is simply indispensable to me.

This is my truth.  and I'm Sticking to It!


  1. Great article Bariloche! I think I´m the same kind of fan as you. The only difference between you and me is, that I can go to only one concert each tour. This year it was my first concert and I hope that next tour I can go to the second one. You have - in America - much more opportunities to see our beloved Chayanne. I´m so happy for you that you can see him so many times.

  2. Taking opportunities to travel and see a great artist in concert at the same time seems like excellent economic sense to me. I've only been to one concert, since I stumbled onto Chayanne's No Hay Imposible CD in March 2010. I see my future in your words.

  3. I don't know if I'll ever have the opportunity travel to see Chayanne in concert, or meet him in person....but as always I remain ever hopeful.
    Great blog Bariloche!
    Much Love~

  4. Wonderful blog Bariloche. I love your enthusiasm, its contagious!!! You keep on traveling, make yourself happy. Doesn't matter what anybody thinks. We have one life and we need to make the best of it!!!

    Just enjoy!!!

  5. Indispensable como el agua eres túúúúúúúúúúú!!!!!!

  6. Thank you so much for your support ladies! You have no idea how much it means to me :-)

  7. Well said!!! I also follow Chayanne since he was in "Los Chamos" I go to his concerts every 2 years when he comes out to Southern California since I was 26 years old I am now 39. I named my son after him and his father of course
    Hehehe : )
    Nestor-Chayanne. Love his songs, music and the way he dances. I am in Mexicali right now and Chayanne will be here next week of course I will come and see him perform. Follow what inspires you no matter what the world says....Linda
