Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chayanne's Frisky Interview on Al Rojo Vivo (Translation)

Chayanne always gives great interviews! I know this one is a few days old, but I heard that it was just toooo adorable to pass up. It's not often we get to see Chayanne as his frisky and playful best! You know...Tengo un cariño personal en mi corazón por un hombre que le gusta el chocolate negro ... que tiene que el chocolate oscuro derecho ... es muy intenso ..... hay que amor! LOL

Ok Chayanne, people are asking how hot is the concert that you will be giving us this weekend, especially since its Valentine’s Day.

Chayanne:  It’s going to be on fire!

So, what can the fans and the ladies expect?

Chayanne:  It’s going to be on fire because I always perform with my heart in my hand, especially in my country that the people here know me since the very beginning,  all that’s happened so far, it’s almost like I am thanking them for always being there.  The songs from the new album, No Hay Imposibles, and I named it that because we have to fight in life, and get up every time we fall.  The songs that the fans have placed in the top spots, like “Dejaria Todo” ( I would leave everything), they identify with them and some might say that they remember exactly where they were when they heard the song, Tiempo De Vals (Time for Waltz) they might have danced it on their sweet sixteen.  And I am going to be with my heart in my hand and very happy to be in my country.

We have to fight for love right?

Chayanne:  Yes, we have to fight for love and you have to nurture your relationship so it could blossom.  Because for example in my profession, just because one of your albums is a hit doesn’t mean that the next one will be too.  You have to see it like it was your first time and you have to dedicate yourself, and always work hard.

So can the ladies expect sensual movements by Chayanne?

Chayanne:  There is going to be a little bit of everything, it’s going to be very nice and the show will have a lot of energy.  Being from here, I have added more things to my show.  I want to do a tribute to the music of my country; I have more musicians, more dancers, more scenery, and more lights, more everything. 

So we should expect something different and will you be closer to your fans?

Chayanne:  Of course I will be closer to my fans, and not only that, this is the first time that I am going to perform in the Jose Miguel Agrelot venue, the other places I’ve performed have been great but this one is going to be special.   I just hope that the public has fun, that they sing and dance, and that they get each other up from the chairs.  I want them to do what they feel.

Since we warned you before the interview, we are going to ask you some hot and steamy questions, inspired in the theme of Valentine’s Day.

Chayanne:  Oh oh, so this is just the beginning (laughs)

Does Chayanne sleep with clothes on or like Adam?

Chayanne:  I have always supported Adam, before the apple that is (laughs)

What is Chayanne’s favorite time to make love?

Chayanne:  There is no schedule; you do it when you feel it, when the sentiment is there, without conditions.

What inspires you to be romantic?

Chayanne:  I get inspired by what I have in front of me (laughs), inspired by life, by beautiful things, by tranquility, by love, by spontaneity.  That’s what inspires me; I have to be relaxed, without conditions. 

Your fans would like to know if you are going to do another sexy layout like the one you did for Playgirl years back.

Chayanne:  (Laughing and pointing his finger at the interviewer) No, that time I did it more for publicity, because that magazine was going to be featured in Japan and pretty much all over the world.  It was more for the (pauses and says) see how I get (laughs).  I was wearing a bathing suit, they asked me to pose nude but I am very shy. 

No one has forgotten that yellow swimsuit!

Chayanne:  (laughing) No one has forgotten it, you are killing me, and did you see it?

I have to be honest and tell you that I did see it, that one and the one with the pillow and the one of you on the beach too.

Chayanne:  We did the pictures, and they came out good.  They were taken in the beautiful island of Jamaica.  But I don’t think I could ever pose nude, I don’t think so.

Everyone says that the older you get, the better you look.

Chayanne:  Well thank you, of course with clothes on.

Well, maybe if you take new pictures we can then be the judges of that.

Chayanne:  So you will judge huh (laughs)

Ok, here is the last of the steamy questions, please take the question out of this beautiful arrangement made just for you.

Chayanne:  So pretty, perfect for Valentine’s Day, and remember one of the reasons we are doing the concerts now is to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Ok, it says, do you consider yourself, wait to I read it?

Yes, of course

Chayanne:  (reading the question) Do you consider yourself a hot, steamy lover in your private life?

And Chayanne responds…

Chayanne: (Picking up petals from the vase and throwing them up in the air) I respond like this (laughs) Let me pick them up, one by one (laughs). 

Do you enjoy passion and seduction?

Chayanne:  Yes I like it, I can’t deny it.  And I think that when you are comfortable and you feel love it’s when you enjoy it the most!  Therefore…turn off the cameras (laughs)

Ok, let’s change the subject, you’ve been traveling the world since you are ten years old, is there anything from your childhood that you never got to do, that you know want to do with your own children?

Chayanne:  I have lived my life intensively.  I have taken advantage of the time I’ve lived both in my personal as in my professional life, so I think I have given them all I could in the time that I spend with them,  in certain places, and we have lived very beautiful moments.  Life goes on and I will continue to feed my relationship because family is the most beautiful thing in the world.  And of course I am very proud of my children as they are very noble and I am very happy with the beautiful gifts that life has given me. 

Do you think of having any more children?

Chayanne:  We have beautiful things prepared for the show (Chayanne laughs and jokes as he started talking about something else and didn’t answer the question).  No, the idea is never discarded, but we don’t have any plans to have more children.

So your last concert is on Sunday, February 13th and Valentine’s Day is the following day on the 14th.  Is Chayanne prepared and will he have any energy left?

Chayanne:  I always have energy when it comes to that (laughs) I am referring to the concerts.  No, there is always energy and a lot of love.  I am a traditional kind of guy, and some traditions I celebrate more than others, for example the Christmas tradition I live intensely, and of course Valentine’s day too, I love to eat with my family, it’s another opportunity to be with the ones you loved, but Valentine’s day is every day.  But we always try to be together, eat together, call our loved ones, and remember all the good times, because we are always looking for moments full of happiness every chance we get.  We are going to be together and we are going to have a great time.  You know the flowers, eating together, the chocolates.

Do you like chocolate?

Chayanne:  I love chocolate!  I give chocolate and if they don’t eat it, then I will.

Do you like milk or dark chocolate?

Chayanne:  Dark, intense, that it tastes truly like chocolate.

Finally, can you send a message to your fans that are watching?

Chayanne:  To all the people that are watching, thank you for your love, I am very happy to be here in Puerto Rico.  I always have my heart on my hand, whether it’s on the month of love and friendship, in a concert, or if we ever run into each other somewhere.  I am always thankful for the smiles I receive.

I forgot to ask you something, while you travel the world, how do you feel when you come across child abuse or abuse to women?

Chayanne:  That makes me very sad and I feel as if there is nothing I can do because I am merely a little grain of sand.  But I always say that there should be peace, tranquility, harmony, dialogue that by talking a solution can always be reached.  There are no impossibles and we have to be tolerant and we have to talk.  Conversation is the best weapon that can have. 

Thank you Chayanne!

Chayanne: You are welcome

Article Translation by Candela


  1. Great job Candela. Thanks for the translation.

  2. He seems like a nice man. I am glad that it was done in English as well as in Spanish.
