Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chayanne Looks Thinner

This article and translation were sent to me in an email this morning by a very dear friend to me. She said that she enjoyed the article so much that she decided to translate it and share it with me. (Much Love My Sister). So quite naturally I wanted to share it with you. Chayanne, in case you run across this blog entry, just know that you have thousands of people out here who are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. We appreciate you for just being you.....More that being an incredible entertainer, you are a wonderful person. Thank you for being there for so many people in so many ways.......Peace

El cantante no ha parado desde que empezó su gira y asegura que en cada espectáculo que realiza baja hasta un kilo y medio The singer has not stopped since he started his tour and said that in every show performed down to a kilo and a half

MONTERREY, Nuevo León .- So high and smiling as always, but now looks thinner Chayanne.

Empezó su gira No Hay Imposibles desde mayo y como baila y baila sin parar, el cantante ya perdió peso, aunque aclaró que se siente muy bien y lleno de energía para seguir cumpliéndole a todos sus fans. He started his tour from May No Impossible as dance and dance without stopping, the singer has lost weight, but said he feels very good and full of energy to continue to meet all his fans.

Dijo que en cada espectáculo que realiza baja hasta un kilo y medio, por las coreografías que incluye, pero luego se encarga de reponerse con comida sana. He said that in every show that makes down to a kilo and a half, the choreography that includes, but is then replenished in charge of health food.

"Sí he perdido peso, trato de ponerme la ropa que me ajuste, pero pues no hay nada que me ajuste ya...", dijo entre risas el boricua en entrevista con Gente!, luego de su arribo a la Ciudad en uno de los hangares privados del Aeropuerto Internacional de Monterrey. "Yes I lost weight, I try to wear clothes that fit me, but there is nothing that fit me ...", and he laughed in an interview with the Puerto Rican people!, After his arrival in the city in one of private hangars Monterrey International Airport.

Él es de buen comer, por lo que, a pesar de bajar de peso, nunca se llega a sentir débil, pues sabe lo que le hace bien, como un caldo de pollo, que le encanta. He is a good eater, so despite losing weight, never get to feel weak, he knows what he does well, like chicken soup, which she loves.

"Puedo perder un kilo o un kilo y medio por función y luego los repongo con ciertos líquidos, tomando agua, y luego con la sopa de pollo, ésa típica de la abuela... y cosas así que como para mantenerme con las sales", explicó el puertorriqueño, quien mide 1.86 metros. "I can lose a kilo or a kilo and a half by function and then the Replace with certain liquids, drinking water, then with chicken soup, that typical grandmother ... and stuff like that to keep the sales" said the Puerto Rican, who stands 1.86 meters.

Uno de los puntos positivos de pesar menos es que en cada show se siente más ligero a la hora de bailar. One of the pros to weigh less in each show is that it feels lighter when dancing.

"Yo ando súper bien, liviano, estoy con los bailes sintiéndome más liviano, cosa que me gusta; además, yo me alimento muy bien, hago mucho ejercicio, fuera de que me gusta también, es parte de mi entrenamiento, tengo que entrenar para hacer el tipo de shows que hago en el escenario y que exigen mucho físicamente". "I'm super good, light, I'm feeling lighter with the dances, which I like, well, I feed very well, do much exercise, apart from that I like too, is part of my training, I have to train for make the kind of shows I do on stage and demand a lot physically. "

Last week, Chayanne was in Guadalajara to be part of the event "Live Jalisco, Alejandro Fernandez organized to help the victims of Hurricane Karl."

Pero además de tenderle la mano a los veracruzanos, Chayanne aportará una donación especial a los regios que aún sufren las consecuencias del huracán "Alex". But in addition to reaching out to the people of Veracruz, Chayanne will make a special donation to the royal who still suffer the consequences of Hurricane Alex. "

"Sin duda, sé de las dificultades que han estado pasando, esos desastres naturales van a seguir ocurriendo; en Puerto Rico hemos tenido, luego lo de Haití, lo de Chile, es muy lamentable", añadió. "Certainly, I know the difficulties that have been happening, these natural disasters will continue to occur, in Puerto Rico have had, then to Haiti, Chile, is very regrettable," he said.

"Siempre hemos estado pendientes, aportando el granito de arena. "We have always been outstanding, providing the bit.

Mucha gente piensa que un centavo es poco, pero para quien lo necesita es muchísimo, siempre estamos exhortando al público a que cooperen, a que echen la mano". Many people think that a penny is not much, but for those in need is a lot, we are always urging the public to cooperate, to throw their hand. "

Chayanne se caracteriza por ser uno de los cantantes que más ayudan, aunque dicho por parte del equipo que trabaja con él, generalmente hace los donativos de forma reservada, sin invitar medios de comunicación. Chayanne is characterized as one of the singers most helpful, although that part of the team working with him, often makes donations in a confidential manner, without inviting the media.

"(Las donaciones) ya es algo más privado, pero siempre digo que el exhortar es muy importante, ya que uno llega a tantos medios de comunicación. El corazón esta ahí. No hay fronteras, no hay diferencias de países, todos somos uno mismo". "(Donations) and is more private, but I always say that the urge is very important because you get so many media. The heart is there. There are no boundaries, no country differences, we are all self ".

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