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Oooo Papi, you're looking might general like to me! I'll follow you...or is that stalking? |
Chay fans are answering the call...the call of the "Chayanne Army". The first mission that you can read more about below is to help Chayanne, from here on know as "El Ejército General", gain popularity in the Anglo world.....well all I have to say is, "It's about time!"......but can we find a way to fit all the Chayanne fans in there somehow. I myself am a huge Chayanne fan....well you probably guessed that already, being that I have a blog dedicated to Chayanne. Problem here is, I'm not an Anglo-American, I am an African American (Afroamericano).
Now before you get things twisted, just understand this, as I have said in blogs past, Chayanne has a fan base that spans the globe, and therefore spans cultures and well as elasticities. That being said, I'm going to do everything that I can to help in the push to help Chayanne gain recognition to anyone that wants to know that the best in Latin Music is Chayanne personified!
Sony Latin has been trying to make sure that their bulletin posts are not only posted in Espanol, but also in English, and will say that this is a big step up. Using a translator can be a pain in the butt, however it's a tool that I learned to use after Chay Cupid hit me with an arrow, that being Chayanne's smile. Still, it really is nice to not have to do that to get the information that I want.
So, the call is out, are you going to answer? We're trying to get Ellen Degeneres to have Chayanne as a guest on her show! do you fans remember him on "The View"?
Thanks Anniee at ChayanneRocks for posting the video on TwitVid!
Ellen...you will probably never see this blog, but just in case you do, just know that if you have Chayanne on your show neither you, nor your viewers will be disappointed.
Much Love my fellow Chay Soliers!
(English below)
Hola a todas!
Mil Gracias por el apoyo al grupo y por unirse sin esperar nada a cambio. Todos queremos que el nuevo album de Chayanne, "No Hay Imposibles" siga triunfando y dando noticias.
Lo primero que queremos lograr es hacer que Chayanne cruze al mundo anglo. Asi es que les pido que visiten las páginas de facebook de estos shows y pidan que vean el video de "Tu Boca" y que lo pongan en su show o que inviten a Chayanne a participar en su show.
SYTCD: http://www.facebook.com/SoYouThinkYouCanDance
The View: http://www.facebook.com/TheView
Tambien, necesitamos su ayuda! Pídanle a Ellen que lleve a Chayanne a su show! El le hizo un pequeño reto por twitter aqui esta la foto:
El link para la pagina de Ellen es este: http://www.facebook.com/ellentv
Aqui esta el link del video de Chayanne (funciona en US aunque no funcione en sus paises, este problema esta por resolverse, disculpenos): http://www.vevo.com/watch/chayanne/tu-boca/USSD21000009
Si pueden escribir en inglés mejor, pero lo mas importante es tener un número grande de personas pidiendo la música y el video!
No olviden de votar por Chayanne en Premios Juventud: http://www.univision.com/content/content.jhtml?chid=6&schid=10416&secid=10418&cid=1472801
Adelante Ejercito!
Hello everyone!
A thousand times thank you to the group and for joining without expecting anything. We all want Chayanne's new album "No Hay Imposibles" to continue suceeding and making the news.
The first thing we'd like to achieve is for Chayanne to cross over the to the Anglo world. So we're asking you to visit the facebook pages of TV shows and ask them to watch the video and to put it in their show or even to invite Chayanne to participate in their show.
Here are the links:
SYTCD: http://www.facebook.com/SoYouThinkYouCanDance
The View: http://www.facebook.com/TheView
Also, we need your help! Ask Ellen to take Chayanne to her show! He made a small dare to her through twitter here is the screenshot:
The link for Ellen's page is this: http://www.facebook.com/ellentv
Here is the link for the video for Chayanne: http://www.vevo.com/watch/chayanne/tu-boca/USSD21000009
We need to get a big number of you requesting him!
And don't forget to vote for Chayanne in Premios Juventud: http://www.univision.com/content/content.jhtml?chid=6&schid=10416&secid=10418&cid=1472801
Roll on Army
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