Friday, March 5, 2010

One Entrevista After Another!

  - The interview in the video above is not of the interview that these questions are from, it's just a really cute one that I thought you might enjoy!

 Here are some of the questions that Chayanne has been asked in a few of his interviews, interesting questions they are indeed. I want to thank ChayRosa for transcribing some of the questions! Love you Rosa!

"If he had 3 wishes?"

Chay's Answer - "That people have good health, that children don't suffer, that they don't go hungry, and that the people have tolerance, love and comprehension."

 "What is his shoe size and pant size?"
Chay's Answer - shoe size: 12, pants size: 33 x 33

"Has he been unfaithful?"

Chay's Answer - "No, he hasn't been unfaithful"

"What parts of his body does he like the best?"

Chay's Answer -   abs (his center where the dance movements originate)
body part that he doesn't like:  his feet, because they take a beating from all the dancing
(We like that part of you well as others...I digress)

 "What does he sleep in?"

Chay's Answer - sleeps with nothing; if it's cold, then just a t-shirt
(I won't say a word on this one...some things are better left unsaid...Muahahaha)

"If he were single, how would he conquer the love of a woman?"

Chay's Answer -  By inviting her to a meal, dinner and then you'll get to know the person.  You have to take it slow to get to know the person by communication.

"Which singer would he like to sing a duet with?"

Chay's Answer - There are so many out there, sometimes it just doesn't work out. (He spoke about those that he did, and they were all duets that just came together, naturally.) Marc Anthony and Alejandro Fernandez, that duo would be good.

"What is the sexual fantasy most crazy that he's realized?"

Chay's Answer - in all temperatures, in the heat, out in the open air, in the snow, on the roof of the stars.
(Hello out there...I'm just checking to make sure you're still there...I thought I heard fainting *ROFL*)

"What does he most admires about wife?"

Chay's Answer - her love and understanding.

"What is your favorite mexican food?" 

Chay's Answer - Cabrito (goat); tacos of carne asada, tequila, he loves to drink, tequila and wine, only when it's the moment of celebration.

"Have you had any ET experiences?"

Chay's Answer -   No.  just dreams.

"What has been the most expensive toy he's bought?"

Chay's Answer -  Car, boat, house ... he says what he buys is because he's gonna enjoy it.  he's not a compulsive buyer.  He's more about being with family together at the dinner table talking.

"What is his aphrodisiac?"

Chay's Answer - his eyes (as in used for seducing); re: food, not oysters .. 
 (You got that right about the eyes....ok people I can hear your screaming with delight right now *GRIN* I don't blame you on that one, raw oysters...blahhh...i'm just sayin'!)

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