Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chayanne Is Our "Amorcito"!

This past week has been a whirl wind of excitement in Chayville! so much so that I just couldn't keep up! so I'm going to do the best that I can to post the things that I thought were the most fun (Everything about Chayanne is fun and exciting so it's going to be a tough choice!)

I was cruzing around all the Chayville hotspots and saw this post on Casa Chayanne. Chayanne was on the day time show Despierta America on Tuesday, this is an adorable interview, but then again Chayanne is adorable so what do you expect! Any way Ethelita said that one of the things that she could catch in the interview was, "When asked what they call him - i.e., Elmer, Chay, Chaycito, or Chayanne, he was quick to answer they call me "amorcito" ("little lover")! Well doesn't that just knock you knickers? It does mine!


"My girl just took the term "Reach Out and Touch" to a whole new level! You Go Girl!

"I guess Chayanne is a little ticklish!"

If you want to see the entire interview you can check out ChayAnnie's YouTube Channel!

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