Friday, November 13, 2009

"Go Get 'Em Tiger!" Chayanne Sents Twit Pic and TwitVid From The Recording Studio

I don't know about you, but this was a really long week for me, it seemed to go forever. The Summer sun gone, replaced by dull gray skies, and rain....loads, and loads of rain....but when Chayanne smiles, the sun comes out!

Yesterday Chayanne answered the request of one of his many fans, RosaRF on Twitter. RosaRF asked Chayanne if he would send a picture of himself from the studio, and he Tweeted back..."OK"..and of course Twitter "Blew Up!"

Time passed, and no TwitPic..but I'm here to tell you Chayanne has the ability to know just what you need, when you need it. On that long commute home, I hear my BB give that sweet tone that says to me "Chay Tweet!", I look and there it is, the long awaited picture that he had promised.

And yes he looks good, even when he is going trey casual!
Goce! Peace

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