Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chayanne es Gabriel -VS - Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen

It appears to still be the season of the vampire, so with that in mind I had to think to myself which character is the better vampire?

I have to tell you, I am a huge fan of both. I love me some Chayanne, so seeing him play a vampire, vampires are after all are my favorite kind of monster, was a thrill ride all by itself! After reading the Twilight series and seeing the first installment of the films, Edward struck me as little vamp cutie himself. So it only stands to reason that somewhere along the line I would ask myself the ultimate question, "If you had to pick one, which one would it be?"

So let's break it down to the lowest common denominator......

Robert Pattinson is an excellent young actor, who has captured what in my mind is the perfect Edward Cullen. He's got that dark brooding thing going on that some fans find quite sexy... you just know there's some vampire passion under there! Robert Pattinson also plays the piano very well, so he's got some skills.

Chayanne, on the other hand who is a phenomenal actor in his own right....and did I mention that he can sing the torch right out of the Statue of Liberty's hand?......he can sing to you while he's getting ready to bite you.....any way, I digress, back to the issue at hand. Chayanne's natural sensuality lends itself amazingly well to the character type of a vampire. Oh yes, Gabriel can be dark and broody at times, but he comes with a six-pack that just makes you want to "holla"! You feelin' me? (Walk in closet...need I say more?)

I think we all know where I'm going with this one, Chayanne as Gabriel, hands down!

Well, you will have to answer this question for yourself. I would love to hear what you think. Holla back!



  1. My answer to this will always be the same...they can BOTH bite me any time ;)

  2. You better take your vitamins chica, 'cause THAT's alot of vampire to handle *WINKI*
    Much Love Mads!
