Chayanne es un hombre que podría conquistar a cualquier mujer y además compartirle algunos trucos de belleza.
Univision has Chayanne listed as one of musics Metrosexuals, so what exactly is a Metrosexual?
Metrosexual as defined by Mirriam Webster's Online dictionary
"Main Entry:
\ˌme-trə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\
2metropolitan + -sexual (as in 2heterosexual)
: a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes
— metrosexual adjective
— met·ro·sex·u·al·i·ty \-ˌsek-shə-ˈwa-lə-tē\ noun"
Well Chayanne has every right to be considered a Metrosexual! I am not a woman that discriminates. I think a man has every right to keep himself clean, neat, well groomed, and most definately well dressed!
(But let's not look over the fact that Chayanne would look good if he just rolled out of the bed and threw on a potato sack.....some people just got it like that!)
Chayanne is among good company on the list, and who may you ask are the other hotties?
Alejandro Fernández es un charro metrosexual.
David Bisbal es otra estrella de la música que dedica tiempo y dinero a su imagen.
Justin Timberlake es un gran seguidor de la moda, incluso lanzará su propia línea de ropa
Luis Miguel tiene un porte que realza su hombría, pero se caracteriza por cuidar cada detalle de su imagen.
Pablo Montero es otro charro que rompe con el estándar de "macho".
El mundo conoció a un Pee Wee con estilo chicano, pero ahora el cantante nos muestra una apariencia más cuidada.
Ricky Martin siempre se ha caracterizado por lucir las últimas tendencias, en cuanto a moda se refiere.
Robbie es el chico malo, pero bien vestido, que toda mujer quisiera tener.
I only have one question...what do you call a woman that's into being clean, neat, well groomed, and most definately well dressed....I don't know but I don't thinks it's a cool word like Metrosexual! We'll have to think of something!
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